スルメイカは何といっても、 甘みが濃いのが特徴です。 特に ワタ(内臓)の味が良いので、よく塩辛になっているのがこのスルメイカ。 年に二回旬があり、夏は身が薄いので、刺身向き。 冬はワタがよく取れ身にも脂が乗るので、塩辛向きになります。
The defining feature of Japanese flying squid is its intense sweetness. The squid's innards are particularly tasty, so they are often used in shiokara (salted fish). They are in season twice a year, and in summer the flesh is thin, making it ideal for sashimi. In winter, the innards are easily removed and the flesh is fatty, making it ideal for shiokara (salted fish).