ホタルイカ / Hotaruika/ Fresh Firefly Squid / Mực đom đóm tươi

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ほたるいかの身はあっさり淡白な味。 一方内臓はうまみの成分であるアミノ酸が多く甘みが強いので、はらわたごと味わうと美味しいです。 生ならコリッとした歯ざわり、茹でればむっちりとしたうまみが楽しめます。 

ほたるいかパック: 300G

The flesh of the firefly squid has a light, plain taste. On the other hand, the innards are rich in amino acids, which are the components of umami, and have a strong sweetness, so it is delicious to eat the whole thing. If you eat it raw, it has a crunchy texture, and if you boil it, you can enjoy its plump, umami flavor.

Hotaru Ika Pack: 300G